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Your work record in real time. A practical and efficient service.


We offer you a control system for the activities carried out by the human resources of your company. Through the use of virtual cards you can monitor the fulfillment of the work tasks of each department. An efficient and real-time control of personnel and the planning of the work calendar. Additionally, you can easily create job modules to coordinate projects, functions and job reservations with a productive approach.

Acquire the Basic Plan for only $ 11 per month.

Control of Working Hours

Do you want to keep a total control of the attendance of your employees?

Using a virtual card system to record the entry and exit of the working day, you can be in control. In addition, this registry will allow you to manage the file of each employee with the marking of hours worked, incidents, shifts, leaves and vacations. You will be able to create a vacation calendar efficiently, coordinating with each department the distribution of personnel and their functions.

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Working Hours device

Compatible with devices

In an increasingly virtual business world, being able to manage the control of the working day from any device is necessary to scale.

Do you want to automate the management of the Human Resources Department?

Then, you will like to know that the virtual cards of your employees can be used from any device with internet access.

Online function

The record system works through any browser your employees use. Each update that they carry out on their cards will be stored in real time and available to consult at any time. Also, you have a geolocation system, with which you can keep track of the activities of employees outside the company.

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If you are interested in purchasing our Basic Plan

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