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The best option for projects management. A practical and efficient service.


Find in our system development solutions for project management with planning and strategies. Solve the management of record and control of attendance at work hours with virtual cards. Plan and create job modules with active coordination in real time. Do you want to develop productive HR strategies? With our system you can optimize your resources and allow your company to grow.

Premium Plan costs $ 34 per month.

All Benefits

Stay in full control of your workday and vacation management from any device. It carries out a comprehensive management with the creation of modules and work calendar. In this way, human resources plan with productive control strategies. Configure the system according to your organizational needs. Creating various positions that control and track employees. In addition, you will be able to integrate the biometric devices you use into the system. The main purpose is to carry out a total verification in real time.

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projects management hours

Hours Management

You will have access to the last position and geolocated route of each employee who is outside the company. In addition, you can manage accumulated hours bags to prepare the planning of work shifts. The access works productively and without errors.

Directory Module

Manage the corporate directory of the company from the same place with all the updated information of the employees. Also, you will be able to manage the equality module with a global perspective of the company, to carry out recruitment sessions and reserve useful positions.

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Projects Management

Plan and monitor each project that is developed in the company. The strategy planning can be evaluated frequently thanks to the total control of the project.

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Suggestions Mailbox

It allows a constant flow of communication with each employee thanks to the activation of the suggestion box. In this way, you will be able to develop greater integration and stimulate corporate identity.

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If you are interested in purchasing our Basic Plan

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